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RubberDuck is an AI-powered programming assistant that helps developers write better code. It provides real-time feedback on code quality, identifies potential bugs, and suggests improvements. RubberDuck integrates with Visual Studio Code, making it easy for developers to use while they work. It is like having a pair of extra eyes reviewing your code, helping you catch errors and improve the overall quality of your code.



  • Real-time Feedback: RubberDuck highlights potential issues and offers immediate feedback as you code.

  • Type Checking: Detects type errors and incompatibilities in statically typed languages.

  • Code Autocompletion: Suggests code snippets and variable names to enhance your code.

  • Variable and Function Renaming: Refactors names throughout the codebase with a single command.

  • Smart Indentation: Automatically adjusts indentation for nested blocks and statements.

  • Image Generation: Converts Markdown code blocks into visual diagrams, flowcharts, and other visuals.

  • Fuzzy Search: Quickly finds symbols, functions, and other elements within your code.

  • Interactive Documentation: Provides contextual help and documentation based on your code.

  • Refactoring Tools: Easily extract methods, move statements, rename variables, and reorganize code.

  • Code Quality Metrics: Tracks metrics like cyclomatic complexity, maintainability index, and code coverage.

  • Formatter and Linter: Keeps your code consistent and error-free by applying predefined formatting rules.

Use Cases:

  • Continuous Feedback: Get immediate feedback while coding, minimizing the need for separate code reviews.

  • Type Safety: Identify type-related issues early, preventing runtime errors and improving code reliability.

  • Code Optimization: Use suggested refactoring techniques to clean up and improve the structure of your code.

  • Enhanced Autocompletion: Accelerate coding by leveraging context-aware suggestions for code snippets and variable names.

  • Visual Code Representations: Convert technical concepts into easy-to-understand diagrams, making complex code more accessible.

  • Documentation Generation: Auto-generate documentation based on your code, reducing the need for manual documentation.

  • Quick Symbol Search: Find symbols, functions, and classes across your codebase in an instant.

  • Code Quality Monitoring: Track and measure code quality metrics to identify and address potential issues.

  • Consistent Formatting: Apply consistent formatting rules to your code, improving readability and maintainability.

  • Error Prevention: Identify potential issues before they become actual bugs, reducing the time spent on debugging.


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